Composition: A futuristic warzone landscape unfolds an industrial military ship emerges from a dusty, ravaged horizon. Weathered textures and rusty hues dominate the foreground, depicting the aged structure's battle-worn features. The sky above is a deep shade of indigo, gradually lightening to a faint blue towards the upper left corner, where a burst of orange and yellow illuminates the atmosphere. A military unit, dressed in muted earth tones, moves cautiously into the frame, led by a helmeted figure holding a rifle at the ready. The landscape's worn terrain, complete with rocky outcroppings and ravaged foliage, stretches towards the vanishing point, drawing the viewer's eye into the gritty, adventurous scene. double exposure of a An ingame icon for Hearthstone, featuring a ruined city, knife, shield, tribal tattoos, hazy, reflection, apocalyptic, stormy sea, bubbles, rotors, smog, digital art, digital painting, gloom, acceleration, artillery firing on all cylinders, green crystals, silhouette, hazy, reflection, apocalyptic, digital art, digital painting,
"Exclude the use of a picture frame or letterbox"