In a vibrant and colorful anime scene, a cheerful figure with a bright smile on his face stands on a cozy corner of a large screen. His long, curved fur is depicted as a small, green pearl, and his eyes are round and sparkling. His fur is a simple brown color, and his eyes are closed in pleasure, and his feet are tucked on the floor. As he gazes out the window, a large, purple figure with a bright smile spreads across his face gazes out at the world through thick, iridescent fur.
In a vibrant and colorful anime scene, a cheerful figure with a bright smile on his face stands on a cozy corner of a large screen. His long, curved fur is depicted as a small, green pearl, and his eyes are round and sparkling. His fur is a simple brown color, and his eyes are closed in pleasure, and his feet are tucked on the floor. As he gazes out the window, a large, purple figure with a bright smile spreads across his face gazes out at the world through thick, iridescent fur.