In a surreal masterpiece, a surreal landscape unfolds before your eyes, filled with swirls and patterns that seem to glow and blur together. At the age of 30, a woman with piercing green eyes and a smiling face rests in awe, her face faded into a blur of realism. She now expects to embrace the right time, her expression unfazed by the sadness that lies ahead. To her lips, she holds her feet, her equator and brow shattered with hope. As her face begins to bleed, she transforms into a childlike state, where the days pass by, as the children pass by.
In a surreal masterpiece, a surreal landscape unfolds before your eyes, filled with swirls and patterns that seem to glow and blur together. At the age of 30, a woman with piercing green eyes and a smiling face rests in awe, her face faded into a blur of realism. She now expects to embrace the right time, her expression unfazed by the sadness that lies ahead. To her lips, she holds her feet, her equator and brow shattered with hope. As her face begins to bleed, she transforms into a childlike state, where the days pass by, as the children pass by.