Fujiko Mine (main characters of the manga and anime series Lupine III) a young and beautiful woman, shrewd. Fujiko is typically portrayed with a sinuous and feminine figure, with pronounced curves and an average height. She has a very expressive face, with large almond-shaped eyes that are often underlined by strong make-up. Her hair is long, loose and of a intense, like jet black. Fujiko is known for her elegant and sensual style. She wears clothes that highlight her curves, such as tight dresses, high heels and precious jewels. Fujiko's gaze is penetrating and intriguing
Fujiko Mine (main characters of the manga and anime series Lupine III) a young and beautiful woman, shrewd. Fujiko is typically portrayed with a sinuous and feminine figure, with pronounced curves and an average height. She has a very expressive face, with large almond-shaped eyes that are often underlined by strong make-up. Her hair is long, loose and of a intense, like jet black. Fujiko is known for her elegant and sensual style. She wears clothes that highlight her curves, such as tight dresses, high heels and precious jewels. Fujiko's gaze is penetrating and intriguing