As the sun sets over the French capital, a group of artists dressed in sleek black suits leap from the ceiling, leaving a faint smoke behind. Suddenly, a lone figure emerges, preparing to escape from the harsh French prison. But their bodies cling to the broken windows and the broken glass glisten in the light as they go about their daily routines. The Russian man Pavel Durov, dressed in a black suit, lets out a scream and reaches out, defying gravity and evades his commandment. The scene is both surreal and thrilling, leaving the viewer in awe of the unexpected escape.
As the sun sets over the French capital, a group of artists dressed in sleek black suits leap from the ceiling, leaving a faint smoke behind. Suddenly, a lone figure emerges, preparing to escape from the harsh French prison. But their bodies cling to the broken windows and the broken glass glisten in the light as they go about their daily routines. The Russian man Pavel Durov, dressed in a black suit, lets out a scream and reaches out, defying gravity and evades his commandment. The scene is both surreal and thrilling, leaving the viewer in awe of the unexpected escape.