Angelina Jolie In the heart of a lush garden, a quirky pub with a neon green glow sits on the walls. The cat wears a black leather jacket, a simple scarlet sweater, and a black leather mini skirt. The dog wears a black sock 7/8, and a black sock. In the background, the headdresses of a young-looking man dons a black sock, and the other people watch with delight, laughing and hopping on their faces.
Angelina Jolie In the heart of a lush garden, a quirky pub with a neon green glow sits on the walls. The cat wears a black leather jacket, a simple scarlet sweater, and a black leather mini skirt. The dog wears a black sock 7/8, and a black sock. In the background, the headdresses of a young-looking man dons a black sock, and the other people watch with delight, laughing and hopping on their faces.