A free flight flying pilot in a dark silver-black flight overall in free flight is sitting on a small cube device 1 cm long, with a red glow underneath and a small, littel 1 cm hose is leading from top of the cube to the bottom of cube, man is hovering some 250 m above the city of Burbank, Cal., wearing a silver coat, spreading his arms, silver, small, tight fitting leather helmet, rubber boots and gloves in mid silver and pilot has a weak red glow around his entire body
A free flight flying pilot in a dark silver-black flight overall in free flight is sitting on a small cube device 1 cm long, with a red glow underneath and a small, littel 1 cm hose is leading from top of the cube to the bottom of cube, man is hovering some 250 m above the city of Burbank, Cal., wearing a silver coat, spreading his arms, silver, small, tight fitting leather helmet, rubber boots and gloves in mid silver and pilot has a weak red glow around his entire body