In a vibrant and diverse anime world, a young man with blonde hair, blue eyes, and blue shades dons a yellow suit and carries a silver chain that reads " lemonade". The anime features a cartoonish look of a lone figure with a yellow suit, with the words "fragile" written in bold, futuristic letters above his head. The background is filled with vibrant colors and energy, as if the anime community is in awe of the beauty of the anime.
In a vibrant and diverse anime world, a young man with blonde hair, blue eyes, and blue shades dons a yellow suit and carries a silver chain that reads " lemonade". The anime features a cartoonish look of a lone figure with a yellow suit, with the words "fragile" written in bold, futuristic letters above his head. The background is filled with vibrant colors and energy, as if the anime community is in awe of the beauty of the anime.