Suzuka, now standing on her own, embarks on a new journey with her parents' loving memories watching over her. As she walks along a beautiful, flower-lined avenue at sunset, she carries her suitcases filled with both nostalgia and hope. The silhouettes of her parents in the sky serve as a comforting reminder of their unwavering support, guiding her toward a future filled with promise and new beginnings. Their love remains a part of her, encouraging her to embrace what lies ahead.
Suzuka, now standing on her own, embarks on a new journey with her parents' loving memories watching over her. As she walks along a beautiful, flower-lined avenue at sunset, she carries her suitcases filled with both nostalgia and hope. The silhouettes of her parents in the sky serve as a comforting reminder of their unwavering support, guiding her toward a future filled with promise and new beginnings. Their love remains a part of her, encouraging her to embrace what lies ahead.