two Persian cats dressed as Scots playing bagpipes,two cats playing scottish pipers on the mountain top,bagpipes,snowcats,bagpipers,oktoberfest cats,pipers,scotsmen,Photography,General,Natural

two cats playing scottish pipers on the mountain top

Rin Tin Tin
AI图⽚⽣成 v1
风格: 摄影-自然
场景: 山峦,白天,雪天
视角: 全身像,全景图,微距拍摄
艺术性: 70%
比例: 5:4


two cats playing scottish pipers on the mountain top

Rin Tin Tin
AI图⽚⽣成 v1
风格: 摄影-自然
场景: 山峦,白天,雪天
视角: 全身像,全景图,微距拍摄
艺术性: 70%
比例: 5:4