"A 3-story cutting-edge townhouse in Little Havana, Miami, featuring a white and inviting facade with tropical modern design touches. The house has a vibrant exterior with lush greenery surrounding th

Aodern home surrounded by greenery and tropical trees

Alejandro Serrano
AI图⽚⽣成 v1
风格: 摄影-写实
场景: 白天,通用建筑,元素建筑
视角: 广角镜头
艺术性: 51%
比例: 2:3
光线: 低调照明

Aodern home surrounded by greenery and tropical trees

Alejandro Serrano
AI图⽚⽣成 v1
风格: 摄影-写实
场景: 白天,通用建筑,元素建筑
视角: 广角镜头
艺术性: 51%
比例: 2:3
光线: 低调照明