Nestled in a cozy living room, a plush cream-colored couch sits amidst the lush greenery of a grove of trees. The walls are painted a deep shade of indigo green, and a stack of books and a few soft blankets lie open on the armrests. A crackling fire flickers outside, casting a warm glow on the walls. The room is decorated with vibrant prints, ornate carvings, and a small potted plant adds a touch of nature to the scene.
Nestled in a cozy living room, a plush cream-colored couch sits amidst the lush greenery of a grove of trees. The walls are painted a deep shade of indigo green, and a stack of books and a few soft blankets lie open on the armrests. A crackling fire flickers outside, casting a warm glow on the walls. The room is decorated with vibrant prints, ornate carvings, and a small potted plant adds a touch of nature to the scene.