In the midst of a lush green jungle surrounded by the vibrant colors of Guaranda, a small dachshund huddles beside her, its eyes closed and a small smile on its face. A small, cheerful teenager, dressed in a bright pink shirt and black pants, hugs her with a content smile, with a hug from the side and a smile on her face. The scene is a breathtaking blend of traditional Chinese folk dance, twirling of colors, and the soft rustling of leaves of the nearby trees.
In the midst of a lush green jungle surrounded by the vibrant colors of Guaranda, a small dachshund huddles beside her, its eyes closed and a small smile on its face. A small, cheerful teenager, dressed in a bright pink shirt and black pants, hugs her with a content smile, with a hug from the side and a smile on her face. The scene is a breathtaking blend of traditional Chinese folk dance, twirling of colors, and the soft rustling of leaves of the nearby trees.