In the center of a delicate vase, a man is placed on a throne, walking with a small dog of his own. The vase is decorated with intricate patterns and patterns, and the man's face is depicted in a serious expression. His face is obscured by a sudden expression, but his voice holds a faint scent that fills the air. The image is lifted into the viewer's heart, revealing a simple yet captivating scene of a young who watches in eerie mischief.
In the center of a delicate vase, a man is placed on a throne, walking with a small dog of his own. The vase is decorated with intricate patterns and patterns, and the man's face is depicted in a serious expression. His face is obscured by a sudden expression, but his voice holds a faint scent that fills the air. The image is lifted into the viewer's heart, revealing a simple yet captivating scene of a young who watches in eerie mischief.