A very close-up shot of two Persian cats dressed as Scots playing bagpipes. The cats are seated on the ground and wearing shorts made from their hair, with one sitting on the left and standing behind

two cats that are dressed up for the costume

Rin Tin Tin
AI图⽚⽣成 v1
风格: 摄影-自然
场景: 山峦,白天,雪天
视角: 全身像,全景图,微距拍摄
艺术性: 70%
比例: 5:4


two cats that are dressed up for the costume

Rin Tin Tin
AI图⽚⽣成 v1
风格: 摄影-自然
场景: 山峦,白天,雪天
视角: 全身像,全景图,微距拍摄
艺术性: 70%
比例: 5:4