Turn The Shawshank Redemption into an office parody titled 'The Shawshank Redaction.' The main character is now a frustrated office worker, back to the sky, holding a stack of heavily redacted documents in one hand and a pen in the other, standing under pouring rain just outside a cubicle-shaped 'prison.' The iconic arms-raised pose is retained but with office supplies like staplers and paper clips raining down instead of water. The tagline reads: 'Freedom lies beyond the fine print.' Keep the lighting dramatic and emotional, with a faint glow of computer screens in the background.
Turn The Shawshank Redemption into an office parody titled 'The Shawshank Redaction.' The main character is now a frustrated office worker, back to the sky, holding a stack of heavily redacted documents in one hand and a pen in the other, standing under pouring rain just outside a cubicle-shaped 'prison.' The iconic arms-raised pose is retained but with office supplies like staplers and paper clips raining down instead of water. The tagline reads: 'Freedom lies beyond the fine print.' Keep the lighting dramatic and emotional, with a faint glow of computer screens in the background.