A thrilling movie poster titled "Santa Jones and the Temple of Lost Elves." Santa Claus is portrayed as an adventurous archaeologist, wearing a red leather jacket, a fur-trimmed hat, and carrying a whip-shaped candy cane glowing faintly. He stands in front of an ancient icy temple, surrounded by snow-covered ruins and glowing magical symbols. Behind him, a group of mischievous elves with glowing green eyes peek out from the shadows. In the background, a menacing Krampus figure looms over the scene. The atmosphere is mystical and adventurous, with snow swirling around glowing Christmas artifacts. The title "Santa Jones and the Temple of Lost Elves" is written in golden, ancient-style letters, with the tagline: "The fate of Christmas lies in the hands of its bravest explorer."
A thrilling movie poster titled "Santa Jones and the Temple of Lost Elves." Santa Claus is portrayed as an adventurous archaeologist, wearing a red leather jacket, a fur-trimmed hat, and carrying a whip-shaped candy cane glowing faintly. He stands in front of an ancient icy temple, surrounded by snow-covered ruins and glowing magical symbols. Behind him, a group of mischievous elves with glowing green eyes peek out from the shadows. In the background, a menacing Krampus figure looms over the scene. The atmosphere is mystical and adventurous, with snow swirling around glowing Christmas artifacts. The title "Santa Jones and the Temple of Lost Elves" is written in golden, ancient-style letters, with the tagline: "The fate of Christmas lies in the hands of its bravest explorer."