A medium-close-up view of a can of ddi art that is being lit up by more windows. The can is filled with plant life, and along the center of it there are leaves that are brown, while to the right and l

a bedroom with a wooden floor, white bed and shelves filled with books

Liliana Nicoara
AI图⽚⽣成 v1
风格: 摄影-自然
场景: 客厅,卧室
视角: 中景
负关键词: Christmas tre red color
比例: 1:1
光线: 体积光

a bedroom with a wooden floor, white bed and shelves filled with books

Liliana Nicoara
AI图⽚⽣成 v1
风格: 摄影-自然
场景: 客厅,卧室
视角: 中景
负关键词: Christmas tre red color
比例: 1:1
光线: 体积光