"Yogi Bear, the famous animated bear, running through the forest with a picnic basket in hand. He is a brown bear with thick fur, an animated expression, and a big smile on his face. He wears a short-sleeved shirt and shorts, while the picnic basket swings with his haste. The forest in the background is dense and green, with tall trees and lush foliage, while some rays of sunlight penetrate through the treetops, creating a cheerful and sunny atmosphere."
"Yogi Bear, the famous animated bear, running through the forest with a picnic basket in hand. He is a brown bear with thick fur, an animated expression, and a big smile on his face. He wears a short-sleeved shirt and shorts, while the picnic basket swings with his haste. The forest in the background is dense and green, with tall trees and lush foliage, while some rays of sunlight penetrate through the treetops, creating a cheerful and sunny atmosphere."