A pencil sketch in anime style, featuring a young woman with delicate and detailed features, smiling sweetly. She has long flowing hair and sparkling eyes, surrounded by a cheerful and celebratory atmosphere. The sketch includes the text 'Happy New Year' written in a lively, handwritten font as part of the composition. The overall vibe is warm, festive, and joyful, capturing the essence of New Year celebration. The background is lightly decorated with simple patterns such as fireworks or confetti, keeping the focus on the character and her expression
A pencil sketch in anime style, featuring a young woman with delicate and detailed features, smiling sweetly. She has long flowing hair and sparkling eyes, surrounded by a cheerful and celebratory atmosphere. The sketch includes the text 'Happy New Year' written in a lively, handwritten font as part of the composition. The overall vibe is warm, festive, and joyful, capturing the essence of New Year celebration. The background is lightly decorated with simple patterns such as fireworks or confetti, keeping the focus on the character and her expression