a photograph of a cougar walking on a snowy cliff, front facing forward, tail curled towards the left, head turned straight ahead, large eyes with blue-green pupils, dense green shrubs and trees in th

a mountain lion walks through the snow covered trees

Rin Tin Tin
AI图⽚⽣成 v1
风格: 摄影-电影
场景: 山峦,雪天,黄昏,夜晚
视角: 微距拍摄,头部特写
艺术性: 70%
比例: 5:4
光线: 辉煌的天神光芒


a mountain lion walks through the snow covered trees

Rin Tin Tin
AI图⽚⽣成 v1
风格: 摄影-电影
场景: 山峦,雪天,黄昏,夜晚
视角: 微距拍摄,头部特写
艺术性: 70%
比例: 5:4
光线: 辉煌的天神光芒