"Superman wearing his classic red and blue superhero suit, confidently riding on the back of a majestic Indian elephant. The scene is set in a vibrant, sunny jungle landscape with tall, lush green trees and a bright blue sky. The elephant is adorned with golden and red decorative cloths, adding an exotic and royal touch. Superman’s cape flows dramatically in the wind, and he has a calm yet heroic expression on his face. The overall vibe is epic and adventurous."
"Superman wearing his classic red and blue superhero suit, confidently riding on the back of a majestic Indian elephant. The scene is set in a vibrant, sunny jungle landscape with tall, lush green trees and a bright blue sky. The elephant is adorned with golden and red decorative cloths, adding an exotic and royal touch. Superman’s cape flows dramatically in the wind, and he has a calm yet heroic expression on his face. The overall vibe is epic and adventurous."