"A cartoon-style logo featuring a friendly and skilled bricklayer character. The character is wearing a hard hat, gloves, and a work apron, holding a trowel in one hand and a brick in the other. The design emphasizes craftsmanship, with a partially built brick wall in the background and mortar details adding depth. The colors include earthy tones like red and orange for the bricks, gray for the mortar, and blue or green for the character's clothing, symbolizing reliability, professionalism, and strength."
"A cartoon-style logo featuring a friendly and skilled bricklayer character. The character is wearing a hard hat, gloves, and a work apron, holding a trowel in one hand and a brick in the other. The design emphasizes craftsmanship, with a partially built brick wall in the background and mortar details adding depth. The colors include earthy tones like red and orange for the bricks, gray for the mortar, and blue or green for the character's clothing, symbolizing reliability, professionalism, and strength."