إنشاء باستخدام النموذج Residential White Model
قم بتحميل عدة صور أساسية على الجانب الأيسر من الصفحة، أو أدخل أوصاف نصية لبدء إنشاء الدفعات باستخدام نموذج Residential White Model.
#Modern Farmhouse house, Simple, clean lines with a gabled roof, large windows, The design often includes large porches, barn-style doors, and a neutral color palette
#International Style house, Flat roofs, smooth, unornamented surfaces, large expanses of glass, and an emphasis on horizontal and vertical lines. The faade is often devoid of decorative elements
#Streamline Moderne house, Curved forms, long horizontal lines, flat roofs, smooth surfaces, and often with nautical-inspired details like porthole windows and railings. The design may include chrome or stainless steel accents

Residential White Model