A captivating scene of four superheroes in their respective fighting modes, soaring above a bustling cityscape. Batman, with his cape flowing, prepares to launch a batarang. Spider-Man is shooting a web of spider-silk, ready to ensnare his enemies. Aquaman, holding his trident, unleashes a torrent of water. Donkey-man, with a heroic expression, is ready to strike with his powerful tail. The background is a vibrant and dynamic city at night, with neon lights and tall skyscrapers, reflecting the energy of the superheroes.
A captivating scene of four superheroes in their respective fighting modes, soaring above a bustling cityscape. Batman, with his cape flowing, prepares to launch a batarang. Spider-Man is shooting a web of spider-silk, ready to ensnare his enemies. Aquaman, holding his trident, unleashes a torrent of water. Donkey-man, with a heroic expression, is ready to strike with his powerful tail. The background is a vibrant and dynamic city at night, with neon lights and tall skyscrapers, reflecting the energy of the superheroes.