An anime-style portrait inspired by Kyoto Animation's aesthetic, featuring a tall and slender high school girl with a confident and strong personality. She has vibrant orange hair tied into a high ponytail that cascades neatly down her back, with loose strands framing her sharp features. Her dark brown eyes with a hint of amber exude determination, paired with a composed and focused expression. She wears an elegant and ornate school uniform typical of a prestigious academy, adorned with golden trims, a crisp white blouse, and a sophisticated ribbon at the collar. The background is set inside a luxurious school building, showcasing a polished marble hallway with grand arched windows and intricate woodwork, complementing her refined presence
An anime-style portrait inspired by Kyoto Animation's aesthetic, featuring a tall and slender high school girl with a confident and strong personality. She has vibrant orange hair tied into a high ponytail that cascades neatly down her back, with loose strands framing her sharp features. Her dark brown eyes with a hint of amber exude determination, paired with a composed and focused expression. She wears an elegant and ornate school uniform typical of a prestigious academy, adorned with golden trims, a crisp white blouse, and a sophisticated ribbon at the collar. The background is set inside a luxurious school building, showcasing a polished marble hallway with grand arched windows and intricate woodwork, complementing her refined presence