An anime-style portrait inspired by Kyoto Animation's aesthetic, featuring an 18-year-old high school girl with a refined yet slightly intimidating presence. Her light brown hair with a golden undertone flows smoothly down to the middle of her back, with subtle waves adding elegance. Her dark brown eyes, tinged with amber, hold a sharp and calculating gaze, paired with a faint smirk that exudes a hint of arrogance or mischief. She wears an ornate and prestigious academy uniform with a pleated skirt, a tailored blazer featuring intricate embroidery, and a ribbon tied neatly at the collar adorned with a jewel. The background is set in a luxurious school interior, showcasing a grand staircase with red carpeting, marble floors, and towering windows that let in soft, diffused light, amplifying her commanding and slightly haughty demeanor
An anime-style portrait inspired by Kyoto Animation's aesthetic, featuring an 18-year-old high school girl with a refined yet slightly intimidating presence. Her light brown hair with a golden undertone flows smoothly down to the middle of her back, with subtle waves adding elegance. Her dark brown eyes, tinged with amber, hold a sharp and calculating gaze, paired with a faint smirk that exudes a hint of arrogance or mischief. She wears an ornate and prestigious academy uniform with a pleated skirt, a tailored blazer featuring intricate embroidery, and a ribbon tied neatly at the collar adorned with a jewel. The background is set in a luxurious school interior, showcasing a grand staircase with red carpeting, marble floors, and towering windows that let in soft, diffused light, amplifying her commanding and slightly haughty demeanor